Keeping track of where your traffic is coming from and how much you are getting can be an integral part of helping you market and optimize your blog. These are a few resources to get you started.

StatCounter is a free statistics and analysis tool for keeping track of your blog’s traffic numbers.

2.Site Meter
Site Meter is available in Premium and Basic versions, and can offer more advanced analysis of your site.

Alexa is a great tool for comparing your blog’s performance to other blogs on the internet.

4.Google Analytics
Google provides a free and full-featured tool for determining where your visitors are coming from and how they use your site.

5.Measure Map
Measure Map is a free tool to track your visitors’ habits.

AWStats is an open source tool that you can use to track your blog’s statistics.

7.Feedburner Feedburner provides a wide range of tools to help improve your blog’s RSS feed as well as statistic tracking.

A great tool for search engine optimization, 103Bees gives detailed information on the search engine traffic your blog receives.

MyBlogLog is both a community building tool and a simple blog analytics tool.

ShinyStat is a web analytics and counter tool with both free and paid versions.