These are just a few more tools and articles that can help you make and maintain a better and more profitable blog.

1.Blog Basics
For the beginner, this site outlines everything you need to know about blogging.

2.Structured Blogging Structured Blogging is a tool that can help bloggers create better organized and formatted content.

Qumana is a desktop blog editor. It works on both Windows and Mac formats.

GeoLoc is a fun widget that shows where visitors to your blog are coming from.

This is a useful tool for keeping your blogroll organized.

6.101 Steps to Becoming a Better Blogger
Lifehacker provides an excellent list of tips to help you be more successful with blogging.

7.WordPress Backup
This is a valuable plugin for WordPress that helps you backup your blog data in case something goes wrong.

Sociable makes social bookmarking easy by adding links to interesting links at the end or your blog posts.

9.Blog Carnival
Joining a blog carnival can help you get linked more often and increase traffic to your site.

10.Creating Scannable Content
Studies have shown that readers of internet articles don’t actually read them at first, they scan. This article details how to lay out your content to reflect this.