is an information site on the techniques of Black Hat SEO. The black hattitude techniques such as cloaking, keyword stuffing on the url redirects, doorway pages .. no more secrets for you! This site comes with a private forum on SEO forums, please register to view it.

The site provisionally participate in the contest referencing Black hattitude, organized by celebrating the opening of his black hat forum.
Black hat SEO?

In the small world of SEO is often mentioned black hats (Black hat), white hats (White hat) and even gray hat (even gray hat). These terms to define the SEO techniques employed.

Where do these terms mean? Many agree that these terms are derived from old westerns where the good guys Cowboys wore white hats and black hats of villains.

NB: The site disclaims all liability for the use of these methods spamdexing and do not encourage you to use.